The International School on Frame Semantics was hosted at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in the summer of 2012 by the Graduate Program in Linguistics and the FrameNet Brasil Lab. ISFS2012 was funded by CAPES, the Brazilian Agency for Graduate Division Funding and Evaluation. It comprises a set of 15 classes on Frame Semantics, FrameNet Structure and Annotation. The videos for the classes are available below and can be taken as a comprehensive introduction to FrameNet theory and practice.
Video Classes
Frame-to-Frame Relations: Hierarchy in FrameNet
(Miriam Petruck & Michael Ellsworth)
Full-Text Annotation
(Miriam Petruck & Michael Ellsworth)
FrameNet as an Onthology
(Miriam Petruck & Michael Ellsworth)
Natural Language Processing
(Michael Ellsworth)
Relations between FrameNet and Cognitive Linguistics
(Michael Ellsworth)
Introduction to Construction Grammar
(Michael Ellsworth)
Construction Annotation
(Michael Ellsworth)
Synthesis / Practice
(Michael Ellsworth)
DOLBEY, A., ELLSWORTH, M. & SCHEFFCZYK, J. BioFrameNet: A Domain-Specific FrameNet Extension with Links to Biomedical Ontologies. Proceedings of KR-MED, 2006.
ELLSWORTH, M. Inter- and Intra-linguistic Variation in the Use of Emotion Words. Tese de Doutorado em Linguística, UC Berkeley. Berkeley, CA, em desenvolvimento.
FILLMORE, C. J. The Grammar of hitting and breaking. In: JACOBS, R. & ROSENBAUM, P. (org.) Readings in English Transformational Grammar. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1970.
_____. An alternative to checklist theories of meaning. Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, p. 123-131, 1975
_____. Topics in lexical semantics. In: COLE, R. W. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977;
_____. Frame Semantics. In: THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF KOREA (org.). Linguistics in the morning calm. Seoul: Hanshin, 1982;
_____. Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semantica. vol. 6 n.2, p. 222-254, 1985
_____. Border Conflicts: FrameNet Meets Construction Grammar. In: EURALEX,13, 2008, Barcelona. Anais… Barcelona: Universitat Barcelona Fabra, 2008;
_____. JOHNSON, C. R. & PETRUCK, M. R. L. Background to FrameNet. International Journal of Lexicography. vol.16, n.3, p. 235-250, 2003 a.
_____. PETRUCK, M. R. L.; RUPPENHOFER, J. & WRIGHT, A. FrameNet in Action: The Case of Attaching. International Journal of Lexicography. vol.16, n.3, p. 297-332, 2003 b.
_____. KAY, P. Grammatical Constructions and Linguistic Generalizations: The What’s X Doing Y? Construction. Language, vol. 75, n. 1, p. 1-33, mar. 1999.
_____. LEE-GOLDMAN, R. & RHODES, R. The FrameNet Constructicon. In: BOAS, H. & SAG, I. Sign-Based Construction Grammar. No prelo.
_____. NARAYANAN, S. & BAKER, C. F. What can linguistics contribute to event extraction? AAAI Workshop on Event Extraction, Boston, 2006.
FRIED, M. & ÖSTMAN, J. Construction Grammar: A thumbnail sketch. In: _____. (org.) Construction Grammar in a Cross-Language Perspective, p. 11-86, 2004.
GILDEA, D. & JURAFSKY, D. Automatic Labeling of Semantic Roles. Computational Linguistics, vol. 28, p. 245-288, 2002.
PETRUCK, M. R. L. Frame Semantics. In: VERSCHUEREN, J. & BLOMMAERT, J. (org.). Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1996.
_____. et al. Reframing FrameNet Data. Proceedings of The 11th EURALEX International Congress. Lorient, France, p. 405-416, 2004.
RUPPENHOFER, J.; ELLSWORTH, M.; PETRUCK, M.; JOHNSON, C.; SCHEFFCZYK, J. FrameNet II: Extended Theory and Practice. Versão 14 set. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 out. 2010.
SALOMÃO, M. M. M. FrameNet Brasil: um trabalho em progresso. Calidoscópio, São Leopoldo: UNISINOS, vol. 7 n. 3, p. 171-182, set/dez 2009.